(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces Astrological Forecast for August 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): Neptune spends it’s 2nd month in a retrograde state. That tends to dull the World with a darker film of reality. Neptune rules our aesthetics, fantasies, higher love, and our intuitive faculties. These are not highly functioning benefits to living, at this time. The physical reality of our life is definitely right up front and in our face. Your Sign rules medicine, but is more attuned to natural medicines and treatments. Currently, there is a chance to defeat Corona 19 with a man-made vaccine. I believe it can weaken our constitutions and ultimately affect our  longevity. Of course, Corona 19 can shorten our lives even more drastically. It’s taking a chance, but normally, healthy people can survive and build their immunity to it by not taking the vaccine.  I hope it’s a choice and not a dictate. At any rate, the day-to-day life of The Fish goes on. The mundane becomes the main thing. The 12th is an energetic change that brings an ending of different matters to different Fish. You may find a bright spot to your month, that day, by an occult involvement. Your plans for the 15th may need some adjusting. Don’t take chances with your health on that 15th. There could be an unfortunate contact with a virus that you could carry for 2 weeks until it manifests near month’s end. Don’t fear it, just avoid all possibilities. You will also benefit from some natural preventative measures on the 27th. That discovery combines with a romantic escapade to benefit your health on every level. Neptune being retrograde is OK if you stop wandering in a fog and just sit down to meditate, or think about why things are the way they are. Epiphanies can result from your reflective times. A 2nd chance to grab onto an ideal comes back around when Neptune is retrograde. This time you will see the gold at your feet as you gaze hypnotically into a beautiful sunset. Watch for the unseen value, all around.



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