Leo Astrological Forecast for August 2020
Leo (7/23-8/22): Here it is; the season of your rulership, summer. Summer can be a bummer with the wrong kind of Corona. A frosty mug would be better than this virus thug. The 2nd can bring an unexpected surprise to your day. There seems to be an importance to this day. There is a full Moon the next day, which creates a T-square made up of the Sun, the Moon, and Uranus. In this T-square, the planet Uranus holds the key to a rough circumstance. Uranus is like a car approaching a T-intersection and he has to turn left or turn right. There is a situation on the 3rd where you are in the driver’s seat at work. You hold the solution, requiring good imagination, that will solve a dilemma. Everybody wins if you just turn toward the light. There is possibly a computer complication related to all this trouble to start the month. There could be a worrisome health matter that brings an unfounded fear to your heart on the 11th. A small problem can be corrected by changing one of your supplements. If it’s a prescription, it needs adjustment. I would say to adjust it into the trash, and find a natural remedy. By the 16th, your energy will return to a peak, and that can last another month, or more. You could receive an important communication on the 17th as Mercury merges into what is called a combust with the Sun. Minds with positive caring thoughts seem hard to find this day, and there is an indication this condition can last another 3 weeks. That’s because it is part of the New Moon cycle of the 18th. It’s not until September 12th that Jupiter will end it’s retrograde phase and begin moving in an apparent forward motion again. This will restore humor to American society. It’s not easy to laugh when you have a mask that blocks the jocularity. It should be a happier fall and winter as the Virus is finally defeated by mid-December. At least we can feel the optimism in the air. It’s a new feeling attitude to match the Leo natural state of happy expectations. Increased earnings can be expected after the 22nd as you are moved to work in order to play, and have glitz.
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