(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for July 2020

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): Scorpio (10/23-11/21): You have logic to back you up as you swing your scythe to sever the growth of lies and dishonor in our country. Many people are starving for the Truth in our World, and you are one who feels a need for higher actions from those we follow in government and other places. If you choose to go with a leader who lies to the public, you might as well have been born as a Lemming. We have a leader who makes decisions for himself first, dictators of the World secondly, and our country last. That is becoming more obvious as we become more divided as a people. Only a Manchurian candidate could do worse. As Pluto remains retrograde this month, you will see how Truth can be stronger than manipulation by propaganda. Surely, we can see the pathology of a habitual liar. Watch out! There is a cliff up ahead. The 15th is a key turning point for everyone. Policies will be examined and sanitized by the light of Truth. On a personal level, you may feel flustered as you quietly suffer the consequences of any misguided support for tyranny. The Universe may send a glorious sign of concurrence from the skies for all to see. Our overseers do follow the prime directive of non-interference, but they do hope for us to do the right thing. The right thing doesn’t always make us rich, but it does clear our consciousness. Then, we can freely enjoy what we do have instead of guarding our property with a frown and a shotgun. The changes in your rock solid belief system will bring changes to your love life for the better. This is how the “watchers” reinforce your good choices. The 4th of July gives us all the opportunity to detoxify our country by purifying our intentions. It is your chance to be part of the majority by making America, America again.


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