(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for May 2020

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): Scorpions are the least likely to maintain a 6 foot distance from everybody. While the Wuhan flu finishes up it’s ravenous invasion, you would prefer to isolate with a close personal friend. Intensity is likely to build within you as the Full Moon approaches on the 7th. It will be in your Sign. You can only hope you’re not alone! Actually, this Taurus month is a time to deal with partners and your social life. One on one seems to be logically safer. You are in need of a full romance when Mars moves into your solar 5th house on the 13th. This should fire up the love life like a rocket. You also feel athletic and need at least a frisbee toss. You would love horsebacking at some time after mid-month. Your normal magnetic energy is doubled this month, so be careful who you attract. If you grow accustomed to the idea of “isolation”, you will need to do creative things. It looks like you will have to break out by the 15th. That will be your most effective day of the month. You can move mountains of problems from your life that day. You can stop whatever has been draining your energy. This will clear up any obstacles to a very exciting weekend. There is more excitement and friendship on the 25th. Pluto went retrograde last month on the 25th. This can take you back over times of great events in your life, where connections can be made with former friends from both business, as well as intimate times. Progress requires redoing some things, so these 5 months of Pluto retrograde can be quite beneficial to your future. It’s almost the feeling of a typical month for the Scorpions as most occurrences have an element of intensity. This can be a month of reunions and reconnections.


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