(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Scorpio Astrological Forecast for April 2020

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21): During this first week of April, you may have difficulty dealing with certain people. I recommend that you remain isolated until after the Full Moon of the 7th. I know how the Full Moon brings out your true character, but this one has hard lessons with it. Your partner seems to have gone off the deep end. They may have lots of unnecessary information to dump on you. Try to listen and nod smilingly. You could find yourself wondering what’s going on at your core. That introspection is minor compared to all the changes around you. You generally dislike changes, but sometimes the outer world has to change before you can bring yourself to make changes. Your true strength comes from your ability to ultimately shed your skin and transform yourself. Only you can make that choice. Despite the social perils of your first week of the month, you will have luck to pull you through. Some will have their faith to call upon. There is a lot going on this month, but the critical point comes with this Full Moon. It shines a night scope into your subconscious creating some weird revelations. The New Moon of the 22nd brings a balance to the oddities. Drive very carefully on the 25th. You may want to find someone to talk to about this month. They can be an anchor in your stormy sea.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Libra Astrological Forecast for April 2020

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: A life changing encounter is likely on the 3rd or 4th. You will have an easy, natural attraction to what could be one of your soulmates. Don’t let this be a passing high five. This might be someone to isolate with you. Librans hate to isolate alone, all the time. You could begin to feel that you are falling behind the crowd and not really keeping up. That means you’re doing the social spacing correctly. During this time, you do have the opportunity to secure something very valuable to your future. This 30 days of work and focus comes to an end on or near the 4th. Foreign travel has an appeal, but long journeys are being limited by a severe Capricorn influence. That tends to be the problem this month, and the rest of the year. However, certain destinations and reasons for going are actually favored. Check with an astrologer to make sure, before you book. The Librans usually prefer to weigh all the pros and cons of any decision before letting someone else decide for them. Just such a situation arises on the 18th. Someone is willing to balance your Scales, so no problem, right? Students are missing some very enjoyable times at school as fate would have it. Still, you could find great satisfaction by online studies. Pleasant conversations and sensual pleasures are themes, this month. Not a bad idea, but weigh the facts to prevent being swept away.


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Virgo Astrological Forecast for April 2020

Virgo (8/23-9/22): Be ready to work fast and furious this month. Mercury is scurrying around to catch up on those things which had to be put on hold, as of late. Your Sign rules health matters, among other things, but you cannot be blamed for Covid 19. You can only be blamed for the common cold. JK. So, health matters have a spark of hope on the 3rd as good medical news arrives. Caution will continue to be the best practice as we should ease back into normal social behavior by May. Try to curb your enthusiasm until then. You will make great progress by alternate forms of communications as you discover near the Full Moon of the 7th. The 11th opens the doors to love, but physical contact is not absolutely safe, yet. Words of love are safe. It will be good to contact people by internet, though action is compelling on the 18th. You may need to chain your desires to a wall for the best outcome. The 25th will bring the consequences to any ill-advised decisions you made earlier this month. The final week can bring problems with work and health matters. Pluto has brought endings to some chronic health problems for many Virgoans, but now Mercury is stirring up what you have overcome. The same with your work. You must remember what led to problems in the past, and steer clear of those obstructions. If you are good, the Universe will reward you with some excitement on the final day of April.







Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Leo Astrological Forecast for April 2020


LEO (7/23-8/22): The month starts too quietly for the Lions. Even alone, you could be stuck at home with your “pride”. This is, usually, your time of year for travel and freedom of expression. You want to get out to smell the flowers and dance on cobblestone streets. You may find that more possible as the month gets underway. There is good news medically on the 3rd as Covid 19 is exposed like the man behind the curtain in Wizard of Oz. Some of its bluster and scariness is seen as nothing more than a child throwing paper at someone. Sadly, many have died from this and other viruses.  It looks like our leaders have picked their battles well, and victory is at hand. Grenada has been conquered again. So, there may only be a few personal battles to get through. The 14th and 15th bring some health issues related to a calcium deficiency or digestive problem. Follow a proper diet and you may get over it quickly. Your career may be calling you back after the 19th. It won’t be fun to deal with a responsibility overload near the 21st. Your free spirit is feeling short-changed before you have to knuckle down to restart your income source. Even when you accept this state of affairs, there is still more aggravation on the 26th. Computers and other electronics are likely to create problems for you. You’re not the only one who feels cheated from the joy of spring. The big bad virus has robbed most of us from the joy of warmer weather and watching the greening of our land. Make American Green Again, and Keep America Green, I say. We don’t want to see Mother Nature teach us anymore lessons. Heal the Earth, heal ourselves.




Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Cancer Astrological Forecast for April 2020


CANCER (6/22-7/22): The Crabs feel the waters warming, but there’s no one at the beach except for the creatures who live there. There is plenty of warm weather ahead, so your social life will be restored as spring draws closer to summer. Isolation is known to make Crabs even crabbier. You may wonder if global warming is creating some strange virus strains. It could be releasing old biological threats that were subdued and entrapped within the Earth. As we frack and crack underground places, we could be releasing our once defeated viral enemies. So, life wins again, and your life goes on. This is a perfect time to find a higher form of peace in the home. The Full Moon on the 7th highlights this homebound bliss. Normally, you would want to be out in the social chaos, laughing and high-fiving your friends, but this Full Moon directs you to home improvements to create a loving environment for you and another. As Venus passes through your Solar 12th house, it doubly emphasizes this domestic peace and love. Home cooked meals can be the healthiest and tastiest, afterall. There’s  a corrective action taking place in the sky, this month. Jupiter has put a stop to the dark energy from Pluto, which will limit the effects of that planet. The New Moon on the 22nd can be a new start toward your dreams. A new perspective toward your life work has come from this United Time Out. You had time to listen to the new ideals which crept into your consciousness. Those changes will work to increase your standard of living. It’s time for change. Saddle up!  


Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You