(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for March 2020

 TAURUS (4/20-5/20): Your ruling planet is Venus. Venus rules your Sign, but not you, directly. Venus is stubborn, but not demeaning. It helps you to find peace and harmony when you listen to that need. Currently, Venus is ending a month-long stay in your Solar 12th house of Aries. On the 4th, She moves into Taurus. Suddenly, the Sun seems to shine on your life, again. The last 30 days have been a time of withdrawal and isolation. It has been a time to benefit from self-questioning. It has been a time to really examine your perspective on life, and to make personal changes to help you feel more accepted by others. You are invigorated the first 8 days as you are pulled from the mud after a mishap on the 3rd. You may even regain some lost friends to fire you up on the 8th. The wrong-minded friends will leave this month, but you will attract the good ones to take their place. You will be moving toward an ideal, which can be realized by the 22nd. Those who stand with you, will follow your successes with great achievements of their own. March will most likely see you becoming as happy as a lamb in clover as the month draws to a close. The 28th has an incredible piece of good fortune that will transform your outlook. New pastures with no fences find the Bulls grazing happily after a long cold winter.


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