Taurus Astrological Forecast for January 2020
TAURUS (4/20-5/20): The self-protective instinct and natural caution of the Bull will have you keeping your head down as we all get shaken up by this month’s events. The Earth has to be the Sign of Taurus. What other Sign could it be? It’s even said, in religious circles, to be ruled by a creature with horns. Taureans are very much in touch with the Earth. Even their walk seems to plant each foot securely to the ground. So, if the stellar events bring physical changes around you, it will lead to a wise and philosophical Bovine. When others lose their “reference point”, you will be the rock to mark their path. You are always the one to know what will work on the physical plane. The 15th brings someone to help you with a problem. This can be the start of a beautiful friendship. There are many pieces to a puzzle this month. You will figure it out. With 7 planets plus the Sun piled into a small part of the sky’s arc, there is a terrible imbalance to our worlds. Then we mix in an Eclipse of the Moon on the 10th, plus Saturn aligning with Pluto, on the 12th. Lots of physical problems, there, so standby Bull Sign people. Keep a shovel in your vehicle. Some newer buildings are dangerous because of a lax building code of the last few years. Earthquakes are meant to wake us up to what we are doing to the Earth, which as a living entity spews forth it’s anger in the form of lava. Pet the Earth. She’s been a good girl.
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