(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for January 2020

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): After Jupiter has spent almost a year in your Sign, he now turns the cosmic wheel of fortune with happy times of better earning potential. While Jupiter was in your Sign he made you a completely rebuilt model. Your pistons are pumping and your wheels are smokin’ rubber. Your future destination will be set aright if you heed major events this month. In some cases, you will be the one to rebuild and lead others from their despair. Your sound reasoning will have you making solid plans to start the year. You need only to leave room for amendments to your plans when circumstances warrant. You could even add a personal “Bill of Rights” to your plans.  My forefather, George Clinton, was the leading proponent for the 1st 10 Amendments to our Constitution. So, just as these protect us from tyranny, so too can your personal Bill of Rights protect you from other forms of personal tyranny. Plus, you can join in the fight to protect the entire Constitution, this month. The 23rd will be your best day. It will feel like an oasis in the desert after this month’s drama. There is a key to unlock great happiness, but it requires active participation with united minds. 


Call John: (505) 489-1122


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