(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aries Astrological Forecast for June 2019


Aries (3/20-4/19): You are continuing along the path you have chosen to travel. Such a path, will draw the perfect energy to help you get there. When your plans get disrupted, it’s because you went too far off that path. So, you simply stay with your original intention, which you began this year doing. “What’s your next step?”, is a better question to ask yourself than trying out all those great ideas you always have during this Gemini time of year. There is an astrological reason for putting time into the home. It’s all part of the overall objective for the year.  Because of Mars passing through Cancer, your actions are needed at home. This is the area of greatest efficiency for that Aries energy. In the background, there can be an emotional struggle to deal with until that gets resolved near the 13th. Romance can have you jumping for joy, but don’t injure yourself. The 14th, can bring reality crashing down around you. Conflicts and earthquakes are likely in the world as your courage reflects your inner warrior on the homefront. A message or psychic hunch on the 18th, can be a caution for the next day as matters become far more meaningful than you would prefer. You have a nose for trouble. You can see it building, like war drums pounding in your mind. Actions can be taken without a chance to use diplomacy as the 19th approaches. After that issue gets resolved, you can expect less environmental problems. Life should get back to the normal pace for an Arien.  Average occurrences for the Rams and Lambs, is way too much for the other 11 Signs. Stay on track at home this month. Next month gets active.


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