(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aquarius Astrological Forecast for May 2019

Aquarius (1/20-2/18): You carry the water of knowledge, which you share freely to anyone who will listen. As a higher-minded Air Sign, you must speak the Truth, which you have gathered from others during your life journey. 7 years of a firestorm in your head has now left solid ashes and purified thoughts to secure your future happiness. The earth moves under your feet as solid structures rise from your new, solid foundations. You will find great satisfaction from all of your physical and building activities over the next 7 years. There is good energy from the cosmos to lift you easily through your tasks. The 8th brings good news. The 18th brings love or money. The 22nd has high energy and action to deal with any physical challenges at home. May is hectic, but very progressive. Your issues are very clear cut. Life and home may seem very slow and boring as Uranus passes through the heaviness of earth. The excitement could be something you miss, but your accomplishments at home can be stupendous. Adopt a few routines, be thrifty, be more focused, and persevere in your labors. This is how you get ahead during the years you are now living. Friends will always be part of your main focus, but don’t let them slow your efforts. Socialness is necessary as long as it doesn’t become a lifestyle when there is so much to do.


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