(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aries Astrological Forecast for January 2019

ARIES (3/21-4/20): The perfect start for the New Year is found in the fact that Mars is in the 1st degree of the 1st Sign of Aries. This is like the sound of the starting gun at a track and field event. We set off on a new course for the world, our country, and the Rams with their personal goals. As an example of initiative, you need not say a word. Your actions speak loudly for all to see and feel the power of your motivation. This month is very dynamic for everyone as 2 eclipses are designed to bring some changes which will require an example of appropriate action by you. This will bring a different look to your career efforts as many Ariens will tack a new course in their lifework. Some will have no choice as their jobs could be taken away this month, or during the year ahead. It’s good to have a Plan B, just in case. You need the change anyway. Be sure to channel your energy logically as Uranus turns direct in your Sign on the 6th. Watch your words on the 8th as your temper is likely to flare. A person of peace has good advice on the 18th, which could change your attitude and direction.The 20th has a Supermoon with a Lunar Eclipse. This could cause romantic strains. Your creativity can get you through any unfortunate losses. If you don’t change course, there will be a boulder in your “road” on the 21st. By acknowledging the truth of your circumstances, you will benefit greatly as the 25th draws near. You are capable of planting the seeds, which grow abundantly to a harvest in the fall. Control that impulsive nature and listen to good advice to have that bumper crop. You will “sprout” sooner and “harvest” longer than all others.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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