(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces September 2018 Astrological Forecast

PISCES (2/19-3/20): To be a Pisces is to believe in many unproven things. You know what seems right, and usually you are correct. Fears and fantasies are hard to sort out of your intuition, sometimes. As you grow with experience, you learn to distinguish the actuality from illusion. Neptune has been honing your psychic skills for several years. That is truly a blessing to keep you safe and make you a sage. Your partner is hard to keep up with, this month. After they get through with the harvest and other fall chores, they may want to connect on an emotional level. There’s still likely to be 3 weeks before that when you can watch them go bouncing off the walls while you float in the pool. The first day of fall, then becomes worth waiting for as all the world wants to partner-up. Libra is about partnerships. This was when the smart Neanderthals noticed the approaching winter and began looking for someone to snuggle up with for survival reasons. There is a different type of survival in current times, but the coupling instinct is still there in our DNA. For the Fish Sign, it is actually all this plus a time of clearing out whatever clutters your life. You are representative of an awakening of what relationships are all about. When the waters of love become polluted, you tend to swim away. Every new relationship is a new pristine body of water to you. Polluted minds pollute your water, but now a strong message has arrived. We all learn. We are graduated to a better place where love becomes real. Men see the wonder of women and women see their men as super. Can we all just get along, now?

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Aquarius September 2018 Astrological Forecast

AQUARIUS (1/20-2/18): Some conversations are worth having until the Sun comes up. The month can start this way as the 3rd  would then have you gliding through the week’s start. The Aquarians forget, sometimes, that they actually inhabit a body that needs healthy consideration. The fall season approaches and the Waterbearers find deep meaning to life as they connect to the hidden mysteries of their particular supernatural attraction. Your passions get stirred in some surprising ways. The 5th has you exploring even deeper into the unknown. It can be through a class that your mind works best with the details. Saturn is the original ruler of your Sign and now it has Uranus as a co-ruler. It must have been difficult for Aquarians until Uranus was discovered in the 18th century. They felt restricted by societal “norms”. To be different meant choosing to be ostracized. Now, it’s ok to be unique. We don’t have to be goose-stepping with everyone else. Yet, if we get too far off base, we’re likely to get picked off. The new Moon (9/9) brings more clarity to your life. That implies that you needed that from some wild events that weekend. Things keep perkin’ along after that, too. At least now, there has been a clearing of your path and mind. You are able to deal with the excitement of the 11th-15th with your new-found grounding. This should carry you through the rest of the month. Only the 18th and 25th are days to be careful. Both days are related to accidents, or damage to luggage if traveling. The 27th is a day to slay the dragon that is about to arise in your mind as Pluto turns direct on the 30th.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Capricorn September 2018 Astrological Forecast

CAPRICORN (12/21-1/19): Okay. All clear. Saturn turns direct after almost 5 months of retrograde. The precise day is the 6th, but you feel the strength of reinforced concrete. You are set and hardened from months of preparation. You are well-troweled and pre-formed to begin the building of your future. Saturn works magnificently while in the Sign of Capricorn. There is a permanent quality to your labors. You are master of your physical world. The material world responds favorably to all you do. Things like you! So, progress begins like a turtle out of the blocks. Slow and steady wins the race. This is so attuned to your mindset at this time. You are ready to do what it takes as you prepare for fall and winter. Fall promises to be very social and beautiful with some fat, and happy, friends around. Even the boss will be in a likable frame of mind except for the 25th. The full Moon of the 24th could stir up more excitement than you care for. Home is a good place to be that day. There is something new and exciting about your career as the month winds down. A change would do you good. Pluto turns direct from being retrograde longer than Saturn was, on the month’s final day. You are now, a total dynamo like a volcano ready to blow. Maybe, a gentle lava flow would be a good model to aim for, over the next half year.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Sagittarius September 2018 Astrological Forecast

SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): Jupiter is in full positraction moving forward. It tends to indicate an ability to reach a very magical place that awaits in your subconscious. Who would have thought that the Archers would be happiest when alone this month? Maybe, you could be alone with one other person. If you have planned carefully through the summer, you may start to see some very nice returns from your efforts as Saturn slowly grinds the money gears, again. Friends and their conflicts don’t have to affect you, even when it’s in your face. This occurs on the 8th for you, but the energy is wrong for personal relationships for everyone, that day. The 9th is a good day to finish things up and go for a short trip. Your mind is racing so fast that you might need a racecar for your trip. Avoid accidents by remembering that your body may not quite be keeping up with your brain. If you are asleep right before dawn on the 16th, pay attention to your dreams. The 18th is one of those days to be particularly careful. Anger could be the issue. Friends are in contact with you after the 21st. This will be a theme for the fall: Friends and goals. Balance required. The real Harvest Moon comes late this year, on the 24th. It can be a good time for travel or learning. Your philosophy on life becomes very evident. The 27th should be fun. Pluto turns direct in your money house as the month ends.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You

Scorpio September 2018 Astrological Forecast

SCORPIO (10/23-11/21):  The Sting-babies usually enjoy this time of year. There is work to do, but there are friends with whom to work. So, this is a good time to develop those skills, which make for stronger bonds with friends and your dreams. Soon enough, you will retreat to your hiding place where you will be safe from those who hunt you. Your natural sensuality is bound to attract some deplorable-acting people sometimes. It can be like walking through the dog park with a pork chop around your neck. At any rate, be grateful for your natural magnetic qualities. I’m sure “they” have worked to your advantage in life. Your thinking process changes after the 1st week. You go from deep thinking to logical expression of your goals. Sleeves are rolled up for this effort. A friend has a dream to share on the 7th. Don’t invest too much into that. A love interest gets distracted. That’s OK because there’s already someone ready to upgrade from a friend to something more. Transitions take awhile for the Scorps. Meantime, you tend to keep the party alive even if it’s just you and a paintbrush. The 11th fits that carefree mood, as it carries over into the 12th. A lot goes on here, in a very short time. Be careful with what you need to value more. Good news, on the 15th, can be a boost to your goals. The 22nd brings a need for solitude. Explore that for a month. Still, there are windows of excitement during that 30 days. The 27th is an example of that. Progress returns to your life as September closes out.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


Have John Call You