(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Leo October 2018 Astrological Forecast

LEO (7/23-8/22): The Lions are feeling friendly and talkative more than usual as the month begins. You can spend some time counting your earnings as a monthly cycle winds down. On the 8th, you can make plans for the month ahead. Socializing is probably at the top of your list. Visiting friends and talking to others as you travel around. Some of these friends will be coming to visit you before the month is over. The home is also a focus as some things need replacing as the 10th draws near. Discordance is likely that evening, so best to be alone. The 11th isn’t much better as you may have to go up against the powers that be. Be cautious that evening. Any needed home servicing is best done on the 15th. The 19th can bring beautiful messages in your dreams before sunrise, but the waking hours of morning can bring discourse, or even an angry misunderstanding. The 23rd can be another evening to stay home alone, as friends and partners tend to be opposed to you in some way. The full Moon will, hopefully, bring all this aggravation to a head. By the time the workday ends, there can be constructive talks to rid your surroundings of disharmony. You may encounter an old flame in the morning of the 26th. A day for the retro fashion minded. The 27th is important for discussing serious matters. An evening in the hot tub would be perfect for your health. The 29th could be a happy gathering at home as your mind begins to look for fun and romance as the month ends.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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