(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces September 2018 Astrological Forecast

PISCES (2/19-3/20): To be a Pisces is to believe in many unproven things. You know what seems right, and usually you are correct. Fears and fantasies are hard to sort out of your intuition, sometimes. As you grow with experience, you learn to distinguish the actuality from illusion. Neptune has been honing your psychic skills for several years. That is truly a blessing to keep you safe and make you a sage. Your partner is hard to keep up with, this month. After they get through with the harvest and other fall chores, they may want to connect on an emotional level. There’s still likely to be 3 weeks before that when you can watch them go bouncing off the walls while you float in the pool. The first day of fall, then becomes worth waiting for as all the world wants to partner-up. Libra is about partnerships. This was when the smart Neanderthals noticed the approaching winter and began looking for someone to snuggle up with for survival reasons. There is a different type of survival in current times, but the coupling instinct is still there in our DNA. For the Fish Sign, it is actually all this plus a time of clearing out whatever clutters your life. You are representative of an awakening of what relationships are all about. When the waters of love become polluted, you tend to swim away. Every new relationship is a new pristine body of water to you. Polluted minds pollute your water, but now a strong message has arrived. We all learn. We are graduated to a better place where love becomes real. Men see the wonder of women and women see their men as super. Can we all just get along, now?

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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