(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Aries Astrological Forecast for December 2018

ARIES (3/21-4/20): Seems like a good month for surgery since you feel like retreating to your Fortress of Solitude, anyway. Mars is in a position for soul-searching to finish out the year. For most of the Rams, this hermit phase is also a time of refueling your rocket engines. Check for anything which could create a glitch as you blast off in the early new year. You will be all set by then as you begin a new search for newness, which is always your favorite destination. This month could start with bad interactions with authority on the 2nd. There is a big decision to be made near the 7th. You may find great joy in the arms of another, or you could get absorbed by the fog of a fantasy. Friends bring great fun-filled activities at mid-month. All you might need is a warm garage to work on a vehicle with friends. Also, this mid-month time could present a challenge at work. Some changes are likely there. Stay cool. Throughout all this, there is ongoing excitement behind the scenes. Mars brings you strength to get through an intense New Year’s Eve. A romance could bloom from a recent impulsive encounter. Love can be part of your new 687 day cycle.  It’s a real gift with a bonus of having your energy back for it.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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