(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Gemini Astrological Forecast for November 2018

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): Mercury begins the month in a place that may seem slightly overwhelming. Someone close can cause a data-overload even to your mercurial brain. Fortunately, you can gather yourself together when Mercury goes into its retrograde phase on the 16th for 3 weeks. At the same time, Venus takes the stage by turning direct in its apparent motion. Too much talk gets replaced by just enough action to get results during the 2nd half of November. Things start really jumping over the final 5 days of the month. A noise in the early Monday morning on the 26th and a psychic dream with a message set a tone for this final week. Another, more positive message arrives that evening. The 27th could turn into happy encounters with former associates and ex-partners. This is likely to be a very mind-filling experience. A full mind to a Geminid is like a full stomach to a Cancerian. Before Mercury goes back to the Sign of Scorpio, near month’s end, you would do well to seek any natural health methods and healers whom you may need advice from. The 26th can be good to heal any interpersonal woundings. This act will clear any psychic obstacles to your social life. It’s a feel good thing. The 27th is action-packed, which of course creates great happiness within you. Mercury does have you looking within. You have a wiser comprehension of how to manifest your thoughts for the good of all. Your partner seems to need time alone. This serves to better your introspection. Truth needs your support.

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