Sagittarius Astrological Forecast for June 2023
SAGITTARIUS (11/22-12/20): It will be a high energy time for the Archers with a full Moon lighting up your Sign on the 3rd. You seem to have good momentum as you plow steadily through the earth Sign of Taurus. You are leaving behind the skeletons of your lie-telling opponents. You know the power of Truth. It works like sunlight on a vampire. In the last few years, you have confronted the destructive sides of Pluto, Saturn, and Neptune. Now, you are aligned on your next target, Uranus. You have brought strong changes before, and now you can prepare for the most startling change of all. It is likely to be exciting and new for the World to see on 4/20/24. On a more subtle level, it represents a contribution of Truth to our current bank of knowledge. On a dramatic level, it can tear down the old and replace it with new technology. In your case as a Sagittarean, there can be great drama and excitement about the ending of a health problem. This will be a great year to eliminate physical ailments as new medical discoveries may be the key for you. You may have no problems with your health if you have been on a natural healing kick. You only need to limit the sweets and cut the calories when everything looks so tasty. The 11th will be a big test in this regard. Even love can get too sticky sweet, or sickly sweet. That may be one of the “bugs” in a relationship. Yet, the New Moon on the 17th (for us in the Mountain Time Zone) will highlight the importance of your attention to relationship matters for a month. Now, it would be good to make a list to talk about later. Some very solid understanding can be the way to ground things for a more permanent condition. While Jupiter transits Taurus for another year, you will probably feel the need for both love and logic with a mate. This is the year to lay a foundation for permanent structures in your life.
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