(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Taurus Astrological Forecast for May 2023

TAURUS (4/20-5/20): The month of May starts off with a lot more changes than you prefer. Even the Earth could be going through a few changes this month. You have had a nice run of earnings, which started around the 10th of April. You may be feeling a need to get away for a few days after that much focus on your security. There could be a problem getting away with another this month. The Lunar Eclipse will have brought a loss to your partner that could make a relaxing trip impossible for them. The 7th begins a more serene period if you can allow that for yourself. You may also have to make some adjustments with your job or career before you can sail away to paradise. That could be why a 3 day weekend would be your best choice this month after the 7th. Mother’s Day could provide the answer to the best place to get away to. There’s no place like home, as Dorothy discovered. You may feel a very strong connection with your father, or an older friend around mid-month. That may be an important chance for real bonding. Uranus has been in your Sign for about 4 years. It can be like a burr under your saddle. There are different ways for different Cattle to feel bugged and annoyed by an unending circumstance, but the 26th brings the knowledge to help you make lemonade from such a sour irritation. The 19th finally helps you to finalize your plans and goals for the next year. A solid plan is more likely to actualize your goals than if you just go with what feels good all year.

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