(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for August 2022

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: Your Sign Ruler, Venus has boosted your career or work efforts, along with exposing you to some very fine dining experiences. You may have enhanced your own cooking style by using the seductive art of gourmet enticements. No one is complaining about that. There seems to be much happiness with your relationships and social activities, lately. That will continue for the rest of this year and into the next year. Life feels great, so soak it up. Even your sex life has been super-charged by Mars, but alas, it will move into your Solar House of the higher minded involvements. It’s good that astrology can bring an exciting spell of passion to our lives, but then it is followed by a higher way of thinking as factors move from our 8th house, into our 9th house. If not for that little feature of our astrological existence, we would just wallow around in our sexual desires like pigs in the mud. Sure the mud feels great to a hog, but humans need more and that’s where our divine nature comes into play. The movement of Venus into your Solar 9th House brings you to the philosophical question of, “What does it all mean”. It’s also the House of Marriage as a ceremony to acknowledge our understanding of a higher purpose to this physical attraction with another. This altitude causes vertigo for a lot of couples. One, or the other, might feel more comfortable staying closer to the sty. If mud baths are what a couple prefers, they can find their happiness there. Changes will occur with time, so leave them alone, I say. The 1st and 2nd of the month are good for acting out some of our muddy fantasies. Your energized needs may need to make a few changes on the 5h in the home. The aesthetic beauty of the past can be restored on the 7th-9th.This could be in preparation for a visit from old friends around the 18th. If they come to stay with you, it would be good to limit their stay to one week. After that, things could get a little ugly. You may still look good, but the end of August can leave you feeling weak inside. Go to your playbook and do what has worked before  in these situations. The 11th has begun an active time that requires your efforts to reach your goals. The final day of the month is a chance to alter any unrealistic dreams that hold you back.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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