(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Gemini Astrological Forecast for May 2022

GEMINI (5/21-6/21): The Winged Messengers are quick-minded and very versatile. Those Cosmic traits will be utilized at a 100% rate this month as you approach the boundaries of a place no Gemini has ever gone before. If you smell rubber burning, it’s just your brain at full throttle. And yet, somehow, you find time on the 6th to share intimacy even if it’s on the fly. As Mercury is known to do, it will turn retrograde on the 10th for the remainder of May. Usually, this would be a time to rest and recharge your batteries, but it seems that your batteries are lasting longer like the ones in the Galaxy S22. Your life seems to be filled with memories and events from your recent past. There is an important connection to watch until the 19th. This is something that first appeared near the end of last month. This could be a person who tends to excite your inner circuitry. This is one that you can take your time with. There can be an exciting climax to this attraction on the 4th of July. Skyrockets? At the same time there seems to be an overload at work, just to make it interesting. It’s nothing that you can’t handle. You deserve recognition on the 21st, even if it’s only a smile from the boss. That day may require a little juggling as your environment changes. The Sun goes into Gemini, which helps, and Mercury goes into your Solar 12th house of Taurus. This is a good time for meditation and self-reflection. You can deal more effectively with any physical or material issues that you may have skimmed over before, and which need more attention now as you can make more permanent fixes. There could still remain a few subconscious matters that have surfaced like a long-lost cat coming home. In this case, the “cat” is all those confusing events, which do matter for your betterment. On the 23rd, there can be a jolt of energy as a light bulb turns on to show you some things which have been “in the dark”. Use that discovery to plan for new beginnings on and after the 25th. The best time to utilize this new awareness would be the weekend of the 3rd/4th/5th of June.

Call John: (505) 489-1122


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