Libra Astrological Forecast for April 2022
LIBRA (9/23-10/22: As Venus (your Sign Ruler) struggles to exit the Sign of Aquarius, you may feel exhausted from dealing with poor romance in the World. People seem afraid to even touch these creatures of the opposite sex. Single people emerging from 2 years of isolation may not be sure of their steps. They may come across oddly until they sort out and throw away the garbage thoughts that have affected their outlook on society and relationships. At least marrieds had someone to isolate with. Those couples who held their relationship together without a divorce or murder may be closer than ever. The stress of a month of Aquarian energy comes to an end on the 5th as Venus enters Pisces. Venus is exalted in Pisces. You may feel exalted in this more compatible Sign, on a romantic level. Your health issues could become more of a concern without the benefits of some very nice occurrences this month. Romance goes well as you float through the sweetness of life. Your health can suffer without a positive love connection to keep your system balanced. The full Moon is in your Sign on the 16th. That can be strongly felt by those Librans born on the final 10 days of Libra. It will be a good thing for most of the Scales People. As an intellectual Sign, you will find plenty of brain stimulation on the 17th and 18th. Love letters arrive. That fills your need for dates and data. You seek permanence in love as Saturn holds you down until you say, “Unkle”. You are normally a master flirt, but these days, you are less casual with your encounters. There are days when you can recapture the old you. On the 30th, there is a minor Solar Eclipse unless you live near the South Pole. It would be a strong influence or message for the Antarcticans. There can be a loss, but that brings a joyful new beginning to your life. I don’t know if there can be too much joy, but this month ending combination of stellar events will answer that question. The sadness, for some of a loss, calls for due acknowledgement. Then it’s back to the celebrating!
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