(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for March 2022

LIBRA (9/23-10/22: Venus is now moving forward again as it heads to an encounter with Mars on March 6th. In an unusual switch, Mars was moving faster than Venus last month as the two conjuncted. Now, like two ice dancers, they circle around each other until Venus picks up full speed and catches up to Mars. This is how love gets stirred up, again. The masks are off. Faces are naked to each other again and smiles can be seen to create closeness once again. Of course sometimes, scowls can be seen to signal “stay back”. At least flirtations are more clearly defined. Your passions may need an outlet on the 3rd and again on the 6th with that male/female closeness in effect. The 3rd can bring an ending to a part of your life as Venus moves closer to the radical surprise energy of Aquarius on the 5th. This will create an unusual expression of your romantic and creative nature. It puts your life on “fast forward”, but that may be better than the slow-paced boredom you’ve had to experience for a few weeks. Venus comes together with Mars in this new excitement. Sudden, unusual attractions are the result of this strange energy. Try to stay focused on your life work as Uranus brings some unexpected and not so pleasant events on the 19th. From the chaos, there emerges the full Moon energy of the 18th. The result can be an overwhelming load of details to deal with. It may take until the 28th to bring things back to normal. Even that normal has a little weirdness to go with it. You will find yourself logging into the computer more than ever as Venus travels through the strange world of Aquarius. Any problems will require your creative abilities to solve. Enjoy the newness of it all.

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