(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Libra Astrological Forecast for April 2021

LIBRA (9/23-10/22:

The Universe is encouraging you to work for your financial security, this month. The first 2 weeks find you deeply involved in a romantic episode. Try not to be dissuaded by a friend who may attempt to end your bliss. Friends are often opposed to losing some of your attention. In Astrology the House of Friends is directly opposite the House of Love. This makes for a conflict in those realms. This time, they may genuinely be warning you about an overly egotistical trait they see in your love interest. However, the Librans need a strong, decisive person to glom onto. The New Moon on the 11th, allows this new paramour to fill your time and world without much resistance on your part. By the 14th, your weak walls of defense will be breached as you raise a white flag of surrender to the inevitable. Just the way you like it! As you are swept away by a tidal wave of love into a sea of love, you will be washed into a safe harbor on the 16th. There in the arms of a great protector, you will be a happy cuttlefish. You are not alone as the whole world feels the effects of the mating season, which begins on the 19th as the Sun moves into the sensuous Sign of Taurus. This allows the female energy to blend with the ape like energy of the males who always start their courting rituals a month before the females. As Mars moves into Cancer on the 23rd, there could be a work conflict unless you can successfully divide your days from your nights. Use the days to secure your financial picture, and use your nights for feeling the security of love with the right person. 


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