(505) 489-1122 starcasterjj@gmail.com

Pisces Astrological Forecast for September 2020

PISCES (2/19-3/20): During the Virgo part of September, the Pisceans tend to become available to catch. Finding or improving a partner becomes important as winter is not far away. It’s only natural to have someone to rely on through the cold and barren season to come. You could just suffer silently, as usual, but to share yourself, openly, with another is a true path to bliss. Two people can do 3 times as much as one, alone. So, the partnership subject grows more into your consciousness and reaches a peak on the 11th. It doesn’t have to be anything more than a fantasy, because fantasies are real things, too. The Fish Clan knows what I mean. Your Sign shows 2 fish swimming in opposite directions. It symbolizes the cycle of gains and losses, the completion of earth cycles, the hidden forces of the Universe, and confusion about reality. I see the symbol as a powerful saw blade, which can cut through the fabric of space and time, if so required. The 18th can get confusing from a communication breakdown. There could be a sitcom skit as this day gets tangled up a little. The 22nd, and after, brings an end to something meaningful to you. Those emotional connections can sometimes limit our life course. Certain objects, if not all objects, you keep around, have a way of defining who you are. The 23rd can be a good day to understand that any losses are meant to help you to let go of certain connections that have held you back. The month is not so bad if you can bend to the winds of change.



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